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- Create Date October 1, 2024
- Last Updated October 1, 2024
Nutrition Situation Report 2020
Good nutrition is a catalyst for social and economic development. At no time has nutrition been more
important such as the time we live in with the current COVID-19 pandemic. Better nutrition is important in the
achievement of the prosperity of communities and the nation at large. Nutrition is core to the achievement
of the human capital development program of the National Development Plan III. Investments in nutrition
have multiple benefits including the reduction of child mortality, improvement wages, improvement women
empowerment, reduction of poverty and an increase years of school attendance.
The Uganda Bureau of Statistics stands in its commitment to respond to information needs and data use
by its stakeholders. Starting with the very first Uganda National Panel Survey in 2009/10, the panel survey
has collected and continually increased various indicators related to nutrition. In 2018/19, the Bureau
institutionalized a National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) in partnership with the Office of the
Prime Minister. Funded by the European Union, the NIPN has been adopted by the Bureau to strengthen
national capacity to manage and analyze existing information to influence policies and programs to
improve human nutrition and health outcomes. The NIPN has taken advantage of the richness of data
within the panel survey and other datasets to provide an in-depth analysis of information for the first panel
Nutrition Situation Report.
The Nutrition Situation Report is a component of the main panel report. The report communicates the
findings on nutrition situation in the panel that can be used by stakeholders to develop informed strategies
to solve malnutrition. We are grateful to the World Bank and the Government of Uganda for the financial
assistance that enabled undertaking of the survey and the European Union for funding the analysis required
through the NIPN. Further gratitude is extended to all the field staff who worked tirelessly to successfully
implement the survey; and to the survey respondents who provided the valuable information on which this
report is based. To the Local Governments (LGs), your unreserved support during the data collection is
highly appreciated. We are also greatly indebted to you all for the invaluable cooperation.